Leading The World in Physical Education
College of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University
A Study on the Perception of Sports Psychological Counseling. Korean Society of Computer Information, 29(4).
The Relationship between Positive Psychological Capital, Achievement Goal Orientation, and Exercise Commitment of Taekwondo-breaking Athletes. Korea Sport Society, 22(1).
Development of a Taekwondo Athlete‘s Meta Cognitive Scale(TMCS). Journal of Coaching Development, 26(4).
Exploring Problems and Improvement Appeal System in Certified Poomsae competitions : Focusing on the views of a certified Poomsae Coaches. Taekwondo Journal Of Kukkiwon, 15(1).
Exploring The Use of ICT Program in Taekwondo Gym Operation according to Cultural and Social Changes. Taekwondo Journal Of Kukkiwon, 15(1).
Discovery of Hope through Taekwondo: The implications of Ukrainian Poomsae players' participation in competitions during the war. Journal of Converging Sport and Exercise Sciences, 22(1).
The relationship between emotional leadership, positive psychological capital, and turnover intention of directors recognized by Taekwondo instructors. Korea Society for Martial Arts : Journal of Martial Arts, 18(1).
Guide book of Taekwondo Poomsae Training. YB Health Care & Medical Books, (2019)
WT Poomsae World Class Poomsae Guide Book. YB Health Care & Medical Books, (2022)
Taekwondo Free Style Poomsae Guide Book. TKDSanga, (2023)