Leading The World in Physical Education
College of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University
Principle of P.E., Teaching Methods in P.E., Policy & Administration of Sport
Elective courses include: Sport Psychology, Sport Sociology, Exercise Prescription, Sport Program Development, Observational Technique in P.E., Teaching Theory & Internship, Sport Management, Health & Disease, Fitness Program, Policy and Administration of Sport, Research Method in P.E., Statistics in P.E., Sport & Media, Sport Communication, Sport Counseling, Comparative P.E,, Leisure & Recreation, Dance in School, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Volleyball, Handball, Ski, Badminton, Aquatic Sports, Lifeguarding, Rhythm and Gymnastics.
Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Sport Medicine, Exercise Prescription,Exercise Nutrition, Sports Chiropractic, Exercise Biochemistry, Rehabilitation and Medicine, Athletic Training, Athletic Injury Evaluation, Athletic Injury Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Electrocardiography, Environmental Exercise Physiology, Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Sport Biochemistry, First-aid Treatment and Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation, Hospice and Adapted Physical Education, Clinical Biomechanics
Sport Psychology, Scientific Basis of Training, Sport Sociology, Theory of Coaching
Elective courses for major include: Biomechanics, Leisure and Recreation, Field Practical, Comparative World Sports Studies, Sports ethics, Theory of sport for all, Techniques in Bodyguard, Analysis of Sports Skills, Practicum in athlete injury prevention, Seminer of physical Education, Gymnastics1,2, Handball1,2, Judo1,2, Swimming, Aerobic Dance1,2, Dance Sport, Backpacking & Camping, Fencing1,2, Table Tennis1,2, Tennis2, Functional training for athletes at all levels, Jumping into plyometrics
Golf Course Turf Management, Financial Accounting, Golf Course Design & Construction, Professional Turfgrass Management 1, Professional Turfgrass Management 2, Management in Golf Tournament, Fitness for Golf, Golf Rule & Etiquette, Golf Club Making & Fitting, Golf Teaching Method, Tournament (Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ), Tournament (Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅵ), Golf Industry, Analysis of Golf, Sport Marketing, Practice in Golf Swing Ⅰ,Ⅱ), Internship for Golf Management, Career Development, Supervising & FB, Survey of Golf, Mental Training for Golf, Sports and Law, Decisions on the rules of Golf
Introduction of TKD, Competition Theory of TKD, The History of TKD
Elective courses for the major include: Practice of Taekwondo Ⅰ,Ⅱ-The basic action, Poomsae for Kup Holder, Comparative martial arts and Taekwondo Special Movements, Practice of Taekwondo Ⅲ, Ⅳ-Poomsae, Taekyon 1, Taekyon 2, Taekwondo Gym Management, Poomsae for Dan Holder, Taekwondo Major Practice 1, 2-Sparing, Taekwondo Program, Teaching Methods for Taekwondo Competition, Demonstration Theory of Taekwondo, Competition Rules and Referee Methods, Taekwondo Major Practice 3, 4-Demonstration & Taekwondo-aerobics, Scientific Measurement in Taekwondo, Taekwondo Physiology, Modern Society & Taekwondo, Growth & Development in Taekwondo, Exercise behavior and Taekwondo Mentality, The reality of Taekwondo Performances, Taekwondo Education Counseling, Basic Taekwondo Motions, Internship 1 in Taekwondo, Internship 2 in Taekwondo, Taekwon-robics, Teaching Theory in Physical Education, Teaching Physical Education for Learning, Teaching Logics and Essay