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  • Department of Sports Medicine


Full-time Professor

  • Jae-Ho Khil Professor
    • Ph.D.
    • Palmer College of Chiropractic
    • Sport Medicine
    • Office No. 418 (031-201-2723)
    • Email jhkhil@khu.ac.kr
    • Experience
    • Major Research Achievement
  • Jihong Park Associate Professor
    • Ph.D.
    • Brigham Young University
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation + Associate Prof
    • Office No. 411 (031-201-2721)
    • Email jihong.park@khu.ac.kr
    • Experience
    • Major Research Achievement

      Published Articles

      - Jeongeun Moon, Geon-Tak Kim, and Jihong Park*. Sponge mats, but not Taekwondo mats, reduce landing impact from heights of 0.45 m, 0.90 m, and 1.35 m in Taekwondo Gyeokpa players. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2024; In Press.

      - Dongkyun Seo and Jihong Park*. Ultrasonography assessment of talar cartilage and ATFL after running in chronically unstable, coper, and healthy ankles: A case-control study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2024; In Press.

      - Sanghyup Park, Junhyeong Lim, Jinwoo Lee, Seonggyu Jeon, Jaewon Kim, and Jihong Park*. Acute recovery in the femoral cartilage morphology following running and cool-down protocols. PeerJ. 2024;12:e18302.

      - Norte GE*, Sherman DA, Ingersoll CD, Bodkin SG, Snyder-Mackler L, Grindstaff TL, Burland JP, Hopkins JT, Blackburn T, Chatput M, Konish Y, Rice D, Hart JH, Harkey MS, Zarzycki R, Palmieri-Smith RM, Lepely LK, Lepley AS, Pamukoff DN, Park J, Lisee C, Pietrosimone B, Thomas AC, Goetschius J, Touville TW, Kidgell DJ, and Kuenze C. Advancing clinical evaluation and treatment of arthrogenic muscle inhibition: A need for validation and innovation ? Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;52:NP34-36.

      - Junhyeong Lim, Jaewook Lee, Sanghyup Park, Jinwoo Lee, Jaewon Kim, and Jihong Park*. Change in femoral cartilage cross-sectional area after aerobic and resistance exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;45:705-711.

      - Jinwoo Lee, Junhyeong Lim, Sanghyup Park, Sojin Kim, and Jihong Park*. Morphologic response in femoral cartilage during and after 40-min treadmill running. Journal of Athletic Training. 2024;59:906-914.

      - Sungwan Kim, Jihong Park, Michelle Boling, and Neal Glaviano*. Lower extremity muscle volume in unilateral and bilateral patellofemoral pain: A cross-sectional exploratory study including superficial and deep muscles. Journal of Athletic Training. 2024;59:915-924.

      - Sungwan Kim, Neal Glaviano, Jihong Park*. Sex differences in knee extensor neuromuscular function in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain. Sports Health. 2024;16:1000-1008.

      - Seunghee Lee, Junhyeong Lim, Jihong Park*. A warm-up strategy with or without voluntary contraction on athletic performance, lower-leg temperature, and blood lactate concentration. PLoS ONE. 2024;19:e0295537.

      - Joohee Lee, Hyunji Doo, Yuyeon Roh, Sanghyun Song, Minsub Oh, Jihong Park*. Change in pain perception and TENS pulse amplitude, and progression in aerobic and resistance exercises over a series of ten-session rehabilitation for anterior knee pain. Asian Journal of Kinesiology. 2023;25:50-59.

      - Sungwan Kim, Neal Glaviano, Jihong Park*. Exercise-induced fatigue affects knee proprioceptive acuity and quadriceps neuromuscular function more in patients with ACL reconstruction or meniscus surgery than in healthy individuals. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2023;31:5428-5437.

      - Sungwan Kim, Yuyeun Roh, Neal Glaviano, Jihong Park*. Quadriceps Neuromuscular Function during and after Exercise-induced Fatigue in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain. Journal of Athletic Training. 2023;58:554-562. 

      - Hyunji Doo, Donghyeon Kim, Chaerin Kim, Seo Young Lee, Jihong Park*. Comparisons of musculoskeletal injuries among three different modalities of Taekwondo (Kyorugi, Poomsae, and Shibum): A one-year follow-up prospective epidemiologic study. Research in Sports Medicine. 2023;31:528-543.

      - Agong Nam, Jihong Park*. Bilateral knee joint cooling on anaerobic capacity and wheel cadence during sprint cycling intervals. Healthcare. 2022;10:1951.

      - Sooil Bang, Jihong Park*. A 7-min halftime jog mitigated the reduction in sprint performance for the initial 15-min of the second half in a simulated football match. PLoS ONE. 2022;17:e0270898.

      - Junhyeong Lim, Hyeongjun Park, Seunghee Lee, Jihong Park*. Comparison of four different cool-down strategies on lower-leg temperature, blood lactate concentration, and fatigue perception after intense running. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2022; 31:1052-1060.

      - Jihyeon Choi, Kyeongtak Song, Hoon Kim, Sae Yong Lee, Jihong Park*. Effects of unilateral lower-extremity joint cooling on movement biomechanics during a two-legged jumping and landing. Asian Journal of Kinesiology. 2022;24:38-48.

      - Yeong-Hun Jang, Hwi-Su Jang, Sanghyup Park, Hyun-Jun Yun, Daeho Kim, Jihong Park*. Epidemiology of injuries in collegiate men’s badminton: A five-year prospective study. Medicina dello Sport. 2022;75:96-107.

      - Junhyeong Lim, HyeongJun Park, Seunghee Lee, Jihong Park*. Changes in heart rate, muscle temperature, blood lactate concentration, blood pressure, and fatigue perception following jogging and running: An observational study. Exercise Science. 2022;31:72-79.

      - Junyoung Ko, Kyeongtak Song, Hoon Kim, Sae Yong Lee, Jihong Park*. Central vs. peripheral vision during a singe-leg drop jump: Implications of dynamics and patellofemoral joint stress. Applied Sciences. 2022;12:2599.

      - Sungwan Kim, Jihong Park*. Impact of severity and duration of anterior knee pain on quadriceps function and self-reported function. Journal of Athletic Training. 2022;57:771-779.

      - Sungwan Kim, Jihong Park*. Patients with chronic unilateral anterior knee pain experience bilateral deficits in quadriceps function and lower quarter flexibility: A cross-sectional study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2022;38:2531-2543.

      - Jihong Park*, Kyeongtak Song, Sae Yong Lee. A single-leg drop jump biomechanics after ankle or knee joint cooling in healthy young adults. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2021;31:271-278.

      - Matthew K. Seeley*, W. Matt Denning, Jihong Park, Kaitland Croft, W. Zachary Horton, J. Ty Hopkins. Anterior knee pain independently alters landing and jumping biomechanics. Clinical Biomechanics. 2021;89:105458.

      - Yuyeon Roh, Jihong Park*. Training and detraining effects of a rehabilitation programme with or without electro-cryotherapy in patients with anterior knee pain: A randomized trial. Applied Sciences. 2021;11:4812.

      - Jihong Park*, Jingoo Kim, Bongseong Ko. Bilateral patella cartilage debridement and exercise rehabilitation for chondromalacia and plica syndrome: A case report. Applied Sciences. 2021;11:4078.

      - Hyunwook Lee, Jaeyoon Shin, Daeho Kim, Jihong Park*. Effect of verbal encouragement on quadriceps and knee joint function during three sets of knee extension exercise. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 2021;29:155-162.

      - Kyeong Eun Min, YoungSuk Lee, Jihong Park*. Changes in spinal-reflex excitability during static stretch and/or explosive contraction. Applied Sciences. 2021;11:2830.

      - Seo Young Lee, Jihong Park*. Emotional changes and functional progressions during postoperative rehabilitation in collegiate student-athletes: A preliminary study. Healthcare.2021;92:184.

      - Sungwan Kim, Daeho Kim, Jihong Park*. Knee joint and quadriceps dysfunction in individuals with anterior knee pain, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, and meniscus surgery: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2021;30:112-119.

      *Corresponding author

      Presentations and Conference Proceedings

      - Chaehee Yoon, Jaewook Lee, Yoongwan Choi, Yoonseo Ki, Hoon Kim, and Jihong*. Neuromuscular and Morphological Adaptation on Strength Development during Nine Weeks of Back Squat Exercise Training in Untrained Individuals. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Dongkyun Seo and Jihong Park*. Ultrasonography Assessments of Talar Cartilage and ATFL After Running in Chronically Unstable, Coper, and Healthy Ankles: A Case-Control Study. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Hyeseo Han, Junhyeong Lim, Kanghun Lee, and Jihong Park. A One-Year Follow-Up of Musculoskeletal Injury Epidemiology and the Acute to Chronic Workload Ratio in Collegiate Taekwondo Kyorugi Athletes. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology. Undergraduate Presentation Award.

      - Juwan Kim, Junhyeong Lim, and Jihong Park. A Six-Month Follow-Up of Musculoskeletal Injury Epidemiology and the Acute to Chronic Workload Ratio in Collegiate Soccer Players. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology. 

      - Kanghun Lee, Jaewook Lee, Young-Seong Lee, Sang-Kyoon Park, and Jihong Park. Differences in Neuromuscular Activity during Walking, Jumping, and Landing between ACL Reconstructed and Healthy Individuals. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Seunghun Lee, Junhyeong Lim, and Jihong Park. A 12-Month Follow-up of Femoral Cartilage Morphology between Limbs in Collegiate Archery, Badminton, and Taekwondo Players, and Non-Athletic Individuals. 2024 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Jaewook Lee, Kanghun Lee, Hyeonjun You, Young-Seong Lee, Sang-Kyoon Park, and Jihong Park. Muscle activation between individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and matched healthy controls during 30-min running. 2024 International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.

      - Junhyeong Lim, Seunghun Lee, Seonggyu Jeon, Jaewon kim, Sanghyup Park, Jinwoo Lee, Dongkyun Seo, and Jihong Park. Morphologic characteristics in femoral cartilage in collegiate athletes for 11 sports and non-athletic males: A cross-sectional study. 2024 International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.

      - Kanghun Lee, Jaewook Lee, Hyeonjun You, Yunji Park, Young-Seong Lee, Sang-Kyoon Park, and Jihong Park. Neuromuscular activity of the lower extremities during walking in ACL reconstructed individuals and healthy controls. 2024 International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.

      - Yoonseo Ki, Jaewook Lee, Yoongwan Choi, Hyeonkon Choi, Hoon Kim, and Jihong Park. Neural and morphologic changes in calf muscles during five-week of session-adjusted calf-raise training in untrained males: A preliminary study. 2024 International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology.

      - Seungyeon Kim, Jaewook Lee, Sunjoo Lim, Insoo Song, Jihong Park*. Acute to chronic workload ratio in collegiate Taekwondo Kyorugi: A 3-year follow-up prospective study. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology. Undergraduate Presentation Award.

      - Jaewon Kim, Junhyeong Lim, Sanghyup Park, Jinwoo Lee, Seonggyu Jeon, Jihong Park*. Femoral cartilage cross-sectional area according to activity level and sex. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Hyeonjun You, Jaewook Lee, Kanghun Lee, Yunji Park, Young-Seong Lee, Sang-Kyoon Park, Jihong Park*. Gastrocnemius muscle activation did not differ between individuals with ACL reconstruction and matched healthy controls during walking. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Junhyeok Lee, Wonseok Jang, Yejun Ha, Byeongjun Jo, Taejin Kim, Junyoung Kim, Jihong Park*. Injury rates and characteristics in collegiate basketball: a five-year follow-up prospective epidemiologic study. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Jeongeun Moon, Geon-Tak Kim, Jihong Park*. Vertical ground reaction force and knee joint angle according to landing height and surface. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Kanghun Lee Jeawook Lee, Young-Seong Lee, Hyeonjun You, Yunji Park, Sang-Kyoon Park, Jihong Park*. Morphological response in femoral cartilage after 30-min running in individuals with ACL reconstruction: a case-control study. 2023 International Conference on Kinesiology.

      - Jihong Park*, Hoon Kim, Dongkyun Seo, Sungkyu Jeon, Seunghun Lee. Neuromuscular fatigue of vastus lateralis during fatiguing squat exercises in trained and untrained people: time-frequency analysis. International Society of Biomechanics 2023 Congress.

      - Junhyeong Lim, Sanghyup Park, Jinwoo Lee, Dongkyun Seo, Sungkyu Jeon, Seunghun Lee, Jaewon Kim, Jihong Park*. Morphological characteristics of the femoral cartilage in trained and untrained individuals. International Society of Biomechanics 2023 Congress.

      - Jeongeun Moon, Geon-Tak Kim, Jihong Park*. An interaction between landing height and ground condition in ground reaction force during two-leg landing. International Society of Biomechanics 2023 Congress.

      - Jaewook Lee, Hyunji Doo, Jihyun Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Eonho Kim, Jihong Park*. Differences in lower extremity muscle activation patterns during anticipated or unanticipated single-leg drop jump tasks. International Society of Biomechanics 2023 Congress.

      - Sunggyu Jeon, Dongkyun Seo, Seunghun Lee, Hoon Kim, Jihong Park*. Psychological and physiological fatigue patterns during five sets of squat exercises in trained and untrained individuals. 2023 International Conference of the Korean Society of Exercise Physiology.

      - Jaewon Kim, Junhyeong Lim, Sanghyup Park, Jinwoo Lee, Sunggyu Jeon, Dongkyun Seo, Jihong Park*. The cross-sectional area of femoral cartilage between Judo athletes and non-atheltic individuals. 2023 International Conference of the Korean Society of Exercise Physiology.

      - Junhyeong Lim, Sanghyup Park, Jaewook Lee, Jinwoo Lee, Sojin Kim, Jaewon Kim, Jihong Park*. Change in femoral articular cartilage cross-sectional area after aerobic and resistance exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine 2022 Annual Meeting.

      - Dongkyun Seo, Junhyeong Lim, Hyeongjun Park, Seunghee Lee, Jihong Park*. Comparison of cool-down strategies on lower-leg temperature, blood lactate, and fatigue perception after intense running. The American College of Sports 2022 Medicine Annual Meeting.

      - Jaewook Lee, Hyunji Doo, Jihyun Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Eonho Kim, Jihong Park*. Differences in lower-extremity muscle activation patterns during anticipated or unanticipated single-leg drop jump tasks. The American College of Sports Medicine 2022 Annual Meeting.

      - Sanghyup Park, Junhyeong Lim, Jinwoo Lee, Sungkyu Jeon, Sojin Kim, Jaewon Kim, Jihong Park*. Changes in blood flow volume after three different recovery strategies after intense running. The American College of Sports Medicine 2022 Annual Meeting.

      - Jinwoo Lee, Sanghyup Park, Sungkyu Jeon, Sojin Kim, Jaewon Kim, Jihong Park. Changes in femoral articular cartilage during and after 40-min treadmill running at a belt speed of 7.5 km/h and 8.5 km/h. Korean Athletic Training Association the 4th Athletic Training Research Symposium.

      - Hyunji Doo, Jaewook Lee, Eonho Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Jihyun Kim, Jihong Park*. Effect of anticipation on vertical ground reaction force during single leg drop landing and jumping tasks. Korean Athletic Training Association the 4th Athletic Training Research Symposium.

      - Hyunji Doo, Donghyun Kim, Chaerin Kim, Seo Young Lee, Jihong Park*. Comparisons of musculoskeletal injuries among three different modalities of Taekwondo (Kyorugi, Poomsae, and Shibum): A one-year follow-up prospective epidemiologic study. The Korean Society of Sports Medicine 2022 Spring Meeting. Nominees for the Best Research Award. 

      - Sungwan Kim, Jihong Park*. Impact of severity and duration of anterior knee pain on quadriceps function and self-reported function. The American College of Sports Medicine 2021 Annual Meeting.

      * Corresponding author

  • Jung-Hyun Kim Associate Professor
    • Ph.D.
    • University of Minnesota
    • Exercise Physiology
    • Office No. 401 (031-201-2739)
    • Email junghyun.kim@khu.ac.kr
    • Experience
    • Major Research Achievement

      - Kim, J-H., Seo, Y., Quinn, T., Yorio, P., Roberge. Intersegmental differences in facial warmth sensitivity during rest, passive heat and exercise. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 36(1):654-659 (2019).
      - Gerhart, HD. Seo, Y, Kim, J-H. Followay, B. Vaughan, J. Quinn, T. Gunstad, J. Glickman, EL. Investigating Effects of Cold Water Hand Immersion on Selective Attention in Normobaric Hypoxia. Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(16):E2859 (2019).
      - Gehart, HD., Y, Seo., Vaughan, J., Followay, B., Barkley, JE., Quinn, T., Kim, J-H, Glickmand, EL. Cold-induced vasodilation responses before and after exercise in normobaric normoxia and hypoxia. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 119(7):1547-1556 (2019).
      - Seo, Y., Powell, J., Strauch, A., Roberge, R., Kenny, GP., Kim, J-H. Heat stress assessment during intermittent work under different environmental conditions and clothing combinations of effective wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 16(7):467-476 (2019).
      - Friesen, B., Poirier, M., Poirier, M., Lamarche, D., D’Souza, A., Kim, J-H., Notley, S., Kenny GP. Postexercise whole-body sweating increases during muscle metaboreceptor activation in young men. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 43(4): 423-426 (2018).
      - Quinn, T., Kim, J-H., Seo, Y., Coca, A. Comparison of thermal manikin modeling and human subjects responses during use of cooling devices under personal protective ensembles in the heat. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 33(3): 279-287 (2018).
      - Quinn, T., Seo, Y., Yorio, P., Aljaroudi, A., Coca, A., Kim, J-H., Roberge, R., Williams, WJ. Using trunk posture to monitor heat strain at work. Ergonomics. 61(11): 1560-1568 (2018).
      - Seo, Y., Vaughan, J., Quinn, T., Followay, B., Roberge, R., Glickman, EL., Kim, J-H. The effect of inspiratory resistance on work performance and perception in moderate normobaric hypoxia. High Altitude Medicine & Biology 18(4): 417-424 (2017).
      - DiLeo, T., Roberge, R., Kim, J-H. Effect of wearing an N95 filtering facepiece respirator on superomedial orbital infrared indirect brain temperature measurements. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 31(1):67-73 (2017).
      - Seo, Y., DiLeo, T., Powell, JB., Kim, J-H., Roberge, RJ., Coca, A. Comparison of estimated core body temperature measured with the BioHarness and rectal temperature under several heat stress conditions. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 13(8): 612-620 (2017).
      - Kim, J-H., Roberge, R., Shaffer, E.R. Zhuang, Z., Powell, J.B., Bergman, M., Palmiero, A.J.  Project BREATHE: Prototype respirator evaluation utilizing newly established respirator test criteria. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection 34(1): 1-9 (2017).
      - Seo, Y., Gerhart, H., Vaughan, K., Kim, J-H., Glickman, E. Does acute nomobaric hypoxia induce anapyrexia in adult humans? High Altitude Medicine & Biology 18(2):185-190 (2017).
      - Stavres, J., Gerhart, H., Kim, J-H., Glickman, E. L., Seo, Y. Cerebral hemodynamics and executive function during exercise and recovery in normobaric hypoxia. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 88(10): 911-917 (2017).
      - Roberge, R., Kim, J-H., Yorio, P., Coca, A., Seo, Y., Quinn, T., Aljaroudi, A., Powell, J. Umbilical temperature correlation with core and skin temperatures at rest, in the heat, and during physical activity. International Journal of Hyperthermia 33(7): 724-732 (2017).
      - Quinn, T., Kim, J-H., Strauch, A., Wu, T., Powell, J., Roberge, R., Shaffer, R., Coca, A. Physiological evaluation of cooling devices for use in conjunction with personal protective ensembles recommended for use in West Africa. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 11(5): 573-579 (2017).
      - Coca, A., Quinn, T., Kim, J-H., Wu, T., Powell, J., Roberge, R., Shaffer, R. Physiological evaluation of personal protective ensembles recommended for use in West Africa. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 11(5): 580-586 (2017).
      - Powell, J., Kim, J-H., Roberge, R. Powered air-purifying respirator Use in Healthcare: Effects on thermal sensations and comfort. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene 14(12): 947-954 (2017).
      - Bernard, TE., Ashley, CD., Garzon, XP., Kim, J-H., Coca, A. Prediction of WBGT-based clothing adjustment values from evaporative resistance. Industrial Health 55(6): 549-554 (2017).

  • Junsig Wang Assistant Professor
    • Kinesiology
    • Office (031-201-2762)
    • Email jwang@khu.ac.kr
    • Experience

      2020-2021  Assistant Professor at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 

      2018-2020  Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 

      2017-2018  Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Arizona

    • Major Research Achievement